Présentation. "Advocates without Members: A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Dispatched Worker Law Reform, from Social Movement to Political Party" (Canceled)

Publié le par David-Antoine Malinas


AAS Annual Conference

C'était à Hawai, le symposium de l'AAS. Je devais y aller, mais la situation dans le Tohoku a changé mon emploi du temps.

David Antoine Malinas, "Advocates without Members: A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Dispatched Worker Law Reform, from Social Movement to Political Party", Session 204 "How is the DPJ Changing Japan? Women, Denizens, and the Poor", April the 1st, 2011, AAS annual Symposium : Hawai. (Canceled ; reason : natural disaster)


 SESSION 204. 8:00AM-10:00AM FRIDAY (1st April)

Room 305B

How is the DPJ Changing Japan? Women, Denizens, and the Poor 

Old Debates in a New Political Climate: Gender and Family Law in Japan Ki-young Shin, Ochanomizu University

Citizenship Interrupted: The Debate on Foreigner’s Suffrage in Japan Naoto Higuchi, University of Tokushima

The Framing Process of the Anti-poverty Movement in Japan Nanako Inaba, Ibaraki University

Advocates without Members: A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Dispatched Worker Law Reform, from Social Movement to Political Party, David-Antoine Malinas, Tohoku University

Discussant: Alisa Gaunder, Southwestern University

Publié dans Activité Scientifique

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