28 juin 2009 Intervention au symposium "Youth work in contemporary Japan"

Publié le par David-Antoine Malinas

J'interviendrai le 28 juin 2009 au symposium, "youth work in contemporary Japan"...

June 27th - 28th, 2009
ICJS Wakai Project Youth Conference: Youth Work in Contemporary Japan
Saturday, June 27th, 2009 (Start: 14:00)
Sunday, June 28th, 2009 (Morning: 10:00-13:00 / Afternoon: 14:00-17:00)
Temple University, Japan Campus, Mita Hall 5F (Access)
Admission: Free. Open to general public.

Not required. For more information, please contact icjs@tuj.ac.jp

Please note the schedule and content is subject to change.
In contemporary Japanese society, the nature of institutional affiliation through work that once secured individual social identity, structured life course, and facilitated social intimacy has changed. As the scope and nature of low-level service work has evolved in the context of post-bubble economic recession, the structure of offices and labor flows have transformed middle- and high level work as well. These structural changes have especially impacted young workers, whose aspirations, skill sets, and career trajectories and strategies has gone through decisive alterations, which has implications beyond the context of the immediate workplace. The collapse of stable distinctions between regular and irregular work, between formal and informal labor, between work and leisure, even between production and consumption, force ethnographers to reconceptualize their unders! tanding of youth labor and its relation to larger structural forces and historical contingencies.
This conference brings together the three most prominent scholars of youth labor studies of Japan to give their views of the historical contexts and most contemporary situation. This will set our agenda. Working within this frame, our papers for the second day will present ethnographic research on work places and workers, in an attempt to capture the institutional contexts, the lived experiences, and psychological and political struggles of young people as they attempt to negotiate identity and meaningfulness today and for the future.

...dans le panel suivant :

Panel 3: Politics of Employment and Unemployment 14:00-15:30

Chair: SUZUKI Akira (Hosei University)


Furiitaa and Political Mobilization

Robin O'DAY (University of British Columbia)


Struggles Against "Haken-Giri": The Strategies and Difficulties of Fighting Against the Dismissal of Haken Workers

Shinji KOJIMA (University of Hawaii)


Young workers Labor Union and the Revival of Japanese Labor Movement

David-Antoine MALINAS (Tohoku University)

Sum-up : Labor Union in Japan is well known for its two main characteristics: its “consensual style” and its long fading power – about 15 percent of the work force today. However both these trends are being reshaped by young people, a majority of the 35 percent non-regular worker population, that can not have their rights and interests defended by mainstream labor unions. They created new organizations called “yunion (union)” based no more on company membership but individual membership. This is not the only feature of this new labor organizations and based on the finding of a one year fieldwork in “Shutoken Seinen Yunion”, I would like to present the origin, the way weakness have been overcome and strength acquired by one of the major organization that is revitalizing Japanese labor movement and young people’s interest in politics.

La liste de tous les panels du 28 :

Panel 1: Workplace Ethnographies (10:00-11:30)

Chair: David H. SLATER (Sophia University)


Konbini-baito: Youth at Work in Transitional Japan

Gavin Hamilton WHITELAW (International Christian University)


Aiming High: Youth Employment in Tokyo Fashion

Philomena KEET (Hosei University)


Milked for All they are Worth: Young Workers and a Hokkaido Dairy Farm



Maid Cafes: Ethnography of Affective Labor

Patrick W. GALBRAITH (Tokyo University)

Panel 2: Therapy, Rehabilitation and Training (June 11:35-13:00)

Chair: Amy BOROVOY (Princeton University)


Hikikomori and Psychological Dilemmas of Youth Who 'Cannot Work'

Sachiko HORIGUCHI (Sophia University)


Building a Working Class Future: Rehabilitating middle-class Hikikomori with Normalized Working-Class Expectations.

Michael DZIESINSKI (University of Hawaii at Manoa)


Making a Connection with Society: the Idea of Maturity and Independence in Wakamono jiritsu shien jigyo

Wakako TAKEDA (Waseda University)


Counteracting Resistance: The Introduction of Corporate "Coaching" Training for Managers in Japan

Hiroki ICHINOSE (Tokyo Gakugei University)

Panel 3: Politics of Employment and Unemployment 14:00-15:30)

Chair: SUZUKI Akira (Hosei University)


Furiitaa and Political Mobilization

Robin O'DAY (University of British Columbia)


Struggles Against "Haken-Giri": The Strategies and Difficulties of Fighting Against the Dismissal of Haken Workers

Shinji KOJIMA (University of Hawaii)


Young workers Labor Union and the Revival of Japanese Labor Movement

David-Antoine MALINAS (Tohoku University)

Panel 4: Work/Life Balance (June 28 from 15:35-17:00)

Chair: Glenda ROBERTS (Waseda University)


The Motivation to Work: Work Values of Young Japanese in Atypical Employment

Carola HOMMERICH (German Institute of Japan)


Doomed To Fail? Freeters' Search for a Fulfilling Lifestyle



Young Women in Tokyo and the Changing Definition of Work: Morality, Marriage and Flexible Capitalism

Vincent MIRZA (McGill University)


Working as an "International" Preschool Teacher: Perspectives on the Organization of Gender, Class and Ethnicity in Early Childhood English Education in Japan

Yuki IMOTO (Keio University)


Unmarried Women at Work: Negotiating Obstacles and Opportunities

Lynne NAKANO (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Le  27, il y aura une session pleinière avec des pros :
Plenary Panel (June 27 from 14:00)
What is the state of youth labor in Japan today?
What contribute can ethnography make to our understanding?
David H. Slater ( Sophia University )
Mary Brinton ( Harvard University )
Genda Yuji ( Tokyo University )
Kosugi Reiko (Japan Institute of Labor)

Publié dans Activité Scientifique

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